Politique de cookies
Comment Ecoclimasol utilise les cookies ?
Un cookie est un fichier texte qui permet à un site internet de reconnaître une connexion et de maintenir une expérience cohérente et personnalisée dans le temps. Quand vous naviguez sur Climfarm, le système utilise des cookies pour collecter et accéder à certaines données concernant votre utilisation de nos services.
Cookies are absolutely necessary on a technical level to provide features such as logging in. However, Climfarm is built on a very strong sense of privacy. Thereby, only strictly essential cookies are used. This policy describes how Ecoclimasol manages cookies for this platform.
Navigation : while visiting and/or using our services, the system will create and use cookies when:
- an anonymous user logs in. This action creates a session cookie in order to keep the session active. This means that you won't have to log in each time you want to do something.
- the language setting is changed. This action creates a language cookie in order to remember the choice made. This means that you won't have to change language each time you navigate through the website.
- a form is submitted, including the log in form. This action creates a security cookie in order to prevent a cross-site request forgery. To know more about that, please visit wikipedia.org.
Advertising: Ecoclimasol does not share any of Climfarm, including the platform and all the data, with third parties. Therefore, we do not use cookies for advertising purposes.
Analytics : We do not monitor site traffic through cookies. Therefore, we do not use cookies for analytics purposes.
Durée de vie :
- Session cookie lasts twelve hours.
- Language cookie lasts two weeks.
- Security cookie lasts two weeks.
What information is collected on me via cookies?
We collect most data from you when you submit forms. However, when visiting our site and/or using our platform your actions may trigger the creation and use of cookies. This data does not include any information that could be used to identify you personally.
- unique identifications tokens via session cookie (logged users only).
- user preferences: language cookie.
Third-party cookies: Climfarm is not linked in any third party. Therefore, there is no third-party cookie.
How do I restrict cookies?
Given that we use only strictly essential cookies, there is no need or way to restrict them. Do not use our platform if you do not agree with our usage of cookies described above.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this Cookies Policy, please contact us at:
legal (dot) climfarm (at) ecoclimasol (dot) com